عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
 Leveling and Planning of Rural Space Tourism in central part of Boyerahmad     S.R. Ghafari  Received: 19 June 2010 / Accepted: 14 October 2011, 23-26 P  Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran   M. Moradi.  Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran   D. Nikbakht ( * )  M.A. student of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran  e-mail: Nikbakht1351@gmail.com           Extended abstract  1- Intro duction  Lack of ranking, as well as a scientific and systematic approach in specifying structure and place-spatial status of the attractive rural centers and as the result disproportionate distribution of tourism installations and equipments are some of the main and obvious shortages observed in many tourism industry development studies and plans in our country that is tangible (specially in the central part of Boyer-Ahmad County in Kohgilouyeh-Boyer Ahamd Province). The region by having 5 rural districts and 239 villages enjoys some potentialities in terms of tourism development which have not been actualized because of the lack of a comprehensive study and some other reasons.    Therefore, it is necessary to conduct studies about this region through adopting a structural-functional perspective and a spatial-location approach in order to reach two objectives of recognizing and prioritizing rural tourism centers and planning to specify and distribute tourism installations and equipments proportionately and optimally.  There are two questions in this regard, the first one is: Does the region under study enjoy many various natural-ecological and cultural-historical attractions in terms of rural tourism development? And the second one is: Are location-spatial distribution of tourism services in the rural spots and districts located at the research area proportionate to the status and application of each of them? The issue is studied through examining two mentioned hypothese.  It seems that the research region enjoys many various natural-ecological and cultural-historical attractions in terms of rural tourism development and it also seems that the location-spatial distribution of tourism services in the rural centers are not proportionate to the status and application of each of them.  This research has been conducted to rank,set layer, and promote the rural spaces in terms of tourism industry development and reach the mentioned objectives of research in the research area through applying documentary-field method and descriptive-analytic study in some 239 rural spots of the central part of Boyer-Ahmad County and by performing Gottmanâs model, statistical testing technique of William Guste,Analysis of variance,Pearson coefficient test and applying Excel, Spss, and Gis software.    2- Theoretical bases  Studying potentialities available in the places considering population, services and economic activities in each area, and preparing a program proportionate to this potentialities or limitations in such a way that it leads to the growth and development of that area is very important. There are different theories about specifying and performing spetiol planning. The World Tourism Organization specifies some 7 steps for tourism planning as: study preparation, determination of objectives, surveys, analysis and synthesis, policy and plan formation, recommendations, implementation and monitoring.  Also, Murphy specifies 4 planning factors as human activities, communications, space, and time. This research investigates this issue through adopting this approach and by performing Gottmanâs model and estimating the indicators    3â Discussion  A- Selecting 29 rural tourism districts and their spots in order to specify planning unit in the research area through applying the failure point theory.  B- Specifying and estimating research indices and variabls including (natural-human) and (service-infrastructure) attractions criteria.  P- Performing Gottmanâs model with regard to estimating the indices in order to rank and specify the space performance through applying Spss and Excel software.  T- Statistical hypothesis testing with statistical testing technique of William Guste, Analysis of variance, pearson coefficient test  C- Preparing required maps through applying GIS software   4- Conclusion  A-Ranking rural spots in terms of each rural tourism district throughout the whole research area  B-Delineating spatial performance of each rural spot in the process of rural tourism development  P- Ranking 29 rural tourism districts in order to specify potentiality of rural tourism development  T-It was found that the whole research area enjoys natural-ecological and cultural-historical attractions. But distribution of tourism services and installations are disproportionate to the spatial status of each of them and it is more obvious in two districts of Mansour-Khani and Tang-Sorkh.     5- Suggestions  5-1- Investment should be made according to the space status and application of each rural tourism spot and district  5-2-Through recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of rural tourism districts, necessary measure should be taken considering the level and rank of each district.  Some of these suggestions are mentioned in the Matrix No. 5 of the research.     References  Andrej Udovc. & Anton P. (2007) âRole of Rural Tourism for development of rural areas" Journal.central European Agriculture Volum8 no.2 (223-228)  Ardestany, m. (2009), Fundamentals of Rural Tourism, Publishing V Edition org, First Ed, Tehran, P.N 360  Bahrami R. (2010), study ability and straits Development Rural tourism in kordstan province, article collection the con ference Fourth Islam World. 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